The dataset ”Patterns of Democracy in the Swiss Cantons” comprises annual data on political institutions in the 26 Swiss cantons for the period 1979 to 2023. It covers the following aspects: electoral systems, direct democracy, parliamentary and governmental elections. The dataset was compiled under the direction of Prof. Dr. Adrian Vatter by researchers working at the Chair of Swiss Politics. In part, it continues the data collection on “Quality of Democracy in the Swiss Cantons” by Adrian Vatter, Marc Bühlmann, Hans-Peter Schaub, Oliver Dlabac und Rolf Wirz (2012) covering the period from 1979 to 2008.
Citation (please refer to the dataset as follows)
Vatter, Adrian; Arnold, Tobias; Arens, Alexander; Vogel, Laura-Rosa; Bühlmann, Marc; Schaub, Hans-Peter; Dlabac, Oliver; Wirz, Rolf; Freiburghaus, Rahel; Della Porta, Davide (2024): Patterns of Democracy in the Swiss Cantons, 1979–2023 (dataset). University of Bern, Institute of Political Science.