
A vast breadth of empirical literature exists that investigates the determinants and patterns of female labour market integration. While the existing literature has largely focused on employment, we aim at investigating female (and male) work patterns from a broader perspective, i.e., not only in relation to the labor market, but also in the area of the internal division of labor. In particular, we will examine parents' time allocation for paid work, care work, and housework. To compare different political structures and conditions, we collect data in the following five countries: Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Germany and the USA. These five countries show great differences in their welfare state structures and thus offer a wide range of family policies.

The data will be collected through an online survey that will be conducted in spring 2021 as part of the SNSF project “The Elasticity of Family Models Revisited: Policy configurations and the gender-specific reconciliation of work and care”.