Dr. Marlene Kammerer

Senior Researcher

Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research (OCCR) / Institut für Politikwissenschaft (IPW)

A 163
Universität Bern
Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Fabrikstrasse 8
3012 Bern
01/01/2024 Senior Research Assistant
Oeschger Center für Klimaforschung
Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Professur Policy Analyse mit Schwerpunkt Umweltpolitik (PEGO)
Universität Bern
Oeschger Center für Klimaforschung
Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Professur Policy Analyse mit Schwerpunkt Umweltpolitik (PEGO)
Universität Bern
Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Professur Policy Analyse mit Schwerpunkt Umweltpolitik (PEGO)
Universität Bern
Departement für Sozialwissenschaften
Forschungsgruppe Politische Soziologie
Universität Helsinki
DocMobility Scholarship
Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Policy Analyse & Evaluation
Centre for International and Comparative Studies
ETH & Universität Zürich
Professur für Umweltpolitik und – ökonomie
Departement für Umweltsystemwissenschaften
ETH Zürich
Studentische Hilfskraft
Forschungsstelle für Umweltpolitik
Freie Universität Berlin
Master of Arts
Betriebliches und Öffentliches Umweltmanagement
Forschungsstelle für Umweltpolitik
Freie Universität Berlin
Ehrenamt Geschäftsführung
Institut für Sozialstrategie, Berlin
Magister Artium
Politikwisschenschaft, VWL, Psychology
Geschwister-Scholl Institut
University of Munich 

Guest editor 

Peer-reviewed publications


  • Nagel, Melanie and Kammerer, Marlene (2023): Editorial to Special Issue on “Local Climate Policy” - Tackling climate change on the local level: a growing research agenda, in Review Policy Research, Early View, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ropr.12577?af=R
  • Stoddart, Mark, Tyndall, David, Brockhaus, Maria, and Kammerer, Marlene (2023): What is the role of COP meetings in global climate governance? Reflecting on COP 26 and the Glasgow Pact, Accepted for Publication “Society & Natural Resources”, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/08941920.2023.2175284.
  • Kammerer, Marlene, Müller, Sean, Ingold, Karin & Gallmann, Maria: Climate Governance and Federalism: Switzerland (2023), In: “Climate governance and Federalism” eds. Johanna Setzer & Sebastien Jodoin (Eds.), Cambridge Press.


  • Zeigermann, Ulrike, Kammerer, Marlene and Böcher, Michael (2022): What drives local communities to engage in climate change mitigation activities? Examining the rural-urban divide, Review of Policy Research, Early View, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ropr.12528.


  • Kammerer, Marlene, and Ingold, Karin (2021): Actors and their preferences in climate change policy: The maturation of a policy discourse in the national and international context. Social Networks, Early View, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socnet.2021.08.005.
  • Castro, Paula, and Kammerer, Marlene (2021): The Institutionalization of a Cleavage: How Differential Treatment Affects State Behaviour in the Climate Negotiations, International Studies Quarterly 65(3): 683–98,  https://doi.org/10.1093/isq/sqab045.
  • Kammerer, Marlene; Ingold, Karin; Dupois, Johann (2021): Switzerland: International Commitments and Domestic Drawbacks, in: Wurzel, Rüdiger; Andersen, Mikael Skou; Tobin, Paul (eds.): Climate Governance Across the Globe: Pioneers, Leaders, and Followers. Routledge Research in Comparative Politics, 235-56, https://www.routledge.com/Climate-Governance-across-the-Globe-Pioneers-Leaders-and-Followers/Wurzel-Andersen-Tobin/p/book/9780367434366
  • Kammerer, Marlene; Wagner, Paul; Gronow, Antti; Ylä-Anttila, Tuomas; Fisher, Dana R.; Sun-Jin, Yun (2021): What Explains Collaboration in High and Low Conflict Contexts? Comparing Climate Change Policy Networks in Four Countries. Policy Studies Journal 49(4): 1065-86, https://doi.org/10.1111/psj.12422.


  • Ingold, Karin; Varone, Frédéric; Kammerer, Marlene; Metz, Florence; Kammermann, Lorenz; Storz, Chantal (2020): Are responses to official consultations and stakeholder surveys reliable guides to policy actors’ positions? Policy & Politics 48 (2): 193-222, https://doi.org/10.1332/030557319X15613699478503.
  • Kammerer, Marlene, Ingold, Karin, Dupois, Johann (2021): Switzerland: International Commitments and Domestic Drawbacks, in: Wurzel, Rüdiger; Andersen, Mikael Skou; Tobin, Paul (eds.): Climate Governance Across the Globe: Pioneers, Leaders, and Followers. Routledge Research in Comparative Politics, pp. 235-56.


  • Kammerer, Marlene; Crameri, Fadri; Ingold, Karin (2019): Das Klima und die EU: Eine Diskursperspektive auf die deutsche und schweizerische Klimapolitik, in: Emmenegger, Patrick, Giger, Nathalie, Careja, Romana (eds.): The European Social Model under Pressure – Liber Amicorum in Honour of Klaus Armingeon. Publisher: Springer. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-658-27043-8.


  • Kammerer, Marlene, and Namhata, Chandreyee (2018): What drives the Adoption of Climate Change Mitigation Policy? A Dynamic Network Approach to Policy Diffusion, Policy Sciences 51: 477-513, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11077-018-9332-6.
  • Kammerer, Marlene 2018: Climate Politics at the Intersection between International Dynamics and National Decision-making: A Policy Network Approach, Dissertation, University of Zurich.

Conference Proceedings


  • Al-Zawidah, Hadeel; Waldschläger, Kryss; Mitrano, Denise; Kammerer, Marlene: Opportunities and challenges of cap and trade policy for the plastic market, EISAPEC, Potsdam, September 2023
  • Blindenbacher, Sophie; Baker, Jack; Kammerer, Marlene: Keeping climate promises in federalist countries, ISA Conference, Montreal, Canda, March 2023
  • Castro, Paula and Kammerer, Marlene: Countries’ climate mitigation performance: Exploring the links between the ambition of NDC targets and effective national implementation, ESG Conference, Nijmegen, October 2023
  • Kammerer, Marlene; Wagner, Paul; Ingold, Karin; Fesenfeld, Lukas; Dana Fischer, Tuomas Ylä-Anttila, Antti Grownow, Pradip Swarnakar: Harmonizing international commitments with domestic policymaking- the role of two-level connectors and networking structure, EISAPEC, Potsdam, September 2023


  • Kammerer, Marlene: To keep or not to keep promises. – A large-N analysis of country motives to vertical policy harmonization. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Funded Special Issue Workshop 2022, Mannheim, organized by Jale Tonsun & Simon Schaub.
  • Castro, Paula; Kammerer, Marlene: Between Global Goals, Domestic Action, and Polycentric Networks: Explaining Ambition of International Climate Change Mitigation Commitments and their Alignment with National Policies, ESG Conference 2022, Toronto, Canada.
  • Kammerer, Marlene; Fesenfeld, Lukas; Ingold, Karin: Two level connectors in German climate politics, ECPR General Conference 2022, Innsbruck, https://ecpr.eu/Events/Event/PaperDetails/65117.
  • Fesenfeld, Lukas; Flachsland, Christian; Ingold, Karin; Kammerer, Marlene; Levi, Sebastian: Explaining CO2 price adoption: The interaction between public opinion and advocacy coalition, ECPR General Conference 2022, Innsbruck, https://ecpr.eu/Events/Event/PaperDetails/65587.
  • Castro, Paula; Kammerer, Marlene: Climate Policy as a Two-Level Game; What Explains the Ambition of International Commitments and their Alignment with National Policies, Annual MPSA Conference 2022, virtual event, see submission.


  • Kammerer, Marlene; Baker, Jack; Ingold, Karin; Castro, Paula: Measuring the Words vs. Deeds Gap: A presentation of the Vertical Policy Harmonization Index, SVPW Annual Conference, 2021, Bern, virtual event.
  • Wiedemann, Ruth, and Kammerer, Marlene (2021): Approaches and challenges to data gathering for policy networks – a systematic literature review, European Conference on Social Networks EUSN 2021, virtual event, http://www.eusn2021.unina.it/download/session_booklet.pdf.


  • Zeigermann, Ulrike, Kammerer, Marlene & Böcher, Michael 2020: Coordinating climate change mitigation policies in rural Germany: A comparative policy network analysis of 32 districts in two Laender. Conference Proceeding, In: ECPR General Conference 2020, Virtual Event.


  • Castro, Paula & Kammerer, Marlene, 2019: It is Not as Bad as it Looks: Comparing Countries’ Cooperation on Climate Change Inside and Outside the UNFCCC Negotiations. Conference Proceeding, In: ECPR Joint Sessions 2019. Mons, Belgium. 08.04.-12.04.2019.
  • Kammerer, Marlene & Ingold, Karin, 2019: Connectivity between international and national policymaking: The Impact of Climate Summits on Swiss National Policymaking. Conference Proceeding, In ECPR General Confernce, Wroclav, Poland, 2019.


  • Kammerer, Marlene (2018): Climate Politics at the Intersection between International Dynamics and National Decision-making: A Policy Network Approach, Dissertation, University of Zurich, https://doi.org/10.5167/uzh-152954.
  • Castro, Paula & Kammerer, Marlene, 2018: The politicization of the climate: How and why has the Annex I – non-Annex I division affected negotiations under the climate change regime? Conference Proceeding, ECPR General Conference, Hamburg 2018.
  • Ingold, Karin; Varone, Frédéric; Kammerer, Marlene et al., 2018: Measuring Policy Positions Through Elite Survey: Can We Trust All Policy Actors? Conference Proceeding, International Workshops on Public Policy, Pittsburgh, USA.
  • Kammerer, Marlene; Wagner, Paul; Ylä-Anttila, Tuomas; Grönow, Antti, 2018: Collaboration to mitigate climate change – Does the institutional context matter? A comparative case study of Finland, South Korea, Switzerland, and the United States Conference Proceeding, Environmental Policy and Governance Conference 2018, Stockholm.


  • Kammerer, Marlene, 2016: What Triggers Interest Groups Interests? A Case Study of Swiss Climate Change Mitigation Policy. Conference Proceeding, SVPW Conference 2017, St. Gallen, Switzerland.
  • Kammerer, Marlene & Bagchi, Chandreyee, 2017: Climate Change Mitigation in the Nexus. A Dynamic Network Approach to Study International Policy Diffusion. Conference Proceeding, SVPW Conference 2017, St. Gallen, Switzerland.


  • Kammerer, Marlene & Hirschi, Christian, 2015: Policy Networks and Belief Systems. The drivers of Cooperation in International Climate Change Politics 2001 – 2014. Conference Proceeding, MPSA Conference 2015, Chicago, USA.


  • Kammerer, Marlene & Hirschi, Christian, 2014: The Politics of Market-Based Instruments: A Case Study of Swiss Climate Change Policy, Conference Proceeding, ECPR General Conference 2014, Glasgow, Scotland.

Outreach activities

  • What international negotiators promise and domestic policymakers adopt: Policy and politics in the multi-level climate change regime
  • Entscheidungsprozesse in der Klimapolitik
  • Multiplexe Netzwerke in der schweizerischen und deutschen Klimapolitik
  • Vergleich klimapolitscher Netzwerke
    Link to: www.compon.org